Tuesday, March 12, 2013

procrastination at it's finest

In case you are wondering, even organizers procrastinate.  Take this week, for example.  It is Spring Break, so I am off of work all week long.  The goal?  To put in significant hours working towards my business launch...creating print materials (logo and business card), contacting a graphic designer and photographer, working on this blog, creating a facebook page, joining professional organizations and researching networking groups, trudging through more of my business books and making a serious dent in my organizing books.  Needless to say, I have done none of those things yet.

But I HAVE done some serious planting - a project that was not on the spring break agenda, but I couldn't resist with this undeniable springtime weather.  I have very little sunny space on my second floor entryway and balcony, but I love to garden.  Most vegetables would never survive with the limited sunlight and space, so I stuck with herbs and decorative plants.  Here is what I planted: 
Fennel, rosemary, and mint in the herb pot on the left. 
Basil and strawberries in the rectangular planter.
Decorative mixed plants in the large planter on the right.
cilantro, chives, oregano and parsley
a beautiful calla lily by the front door

In the planter on the right, you can see some of my plant markers left over from last year.  I still need to make markers for most of the herbs.  They were easy and inexpensive to make.  Just spray large tongue depressors/craft sticks with chalkboard paint and glue colorful buttons at the end.  I used a white paint pen to write the names of the herbs instead of chalk so that it wouldn't wash off when watered.
Hopefully tomorrow I will make a little more progress on my business goals, but for today it was wonderful to be out in the sunshine with my hands in the dirt!

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